TruForm Armatures
TruForm Armatures
TruForm Armatures
TruForm Armatures are designed for sculptors who wish to practice laying on muscles to bones and for those wanting to have a proportional skeleton to start the figure. On the 18" and 24" models, the pelvis and extremities are made of durable plastic and on the 36" model from a rigid foam. One of the key elements of the TruForm Armature is the aluminum wire inserts in the joints (allowing for joint mobility). All parts can be removed or replaced. Figures are scaled to an ideal 8 head figure.

18" Best for professionals who work on smaller pieces and sculpt "tight" in detail. Not recommended for beginners.

24" Ideal size. Easy to use. Best for the student or everyday professional.

36" Makes the sculptors job easy. Great for large projects. Maquettes to Monuments.
TruForm Equine Pro Armature System
The TruForm equine armature is made of the same durable materials as the Truform figure armatures. The rigid ribcage is made of rigid foam that will not flex side to side and is best if your horse is moving in a straight line. You can cut the foam rib cage to modify it for a rearing horse. The pelvis and extremities are made of urethane plastic and the head of urethane foam. The skeleton can be raised at the center pipe by a t-screw adjustment. The TruForm Equine Pro is 1/4 scale (15" at the withers) and 1/6 scale (10" at the withers) to a 15-15.2 hands high quarter horse. This scale compliments our 18" and 12" figure armatures. The bones can be lengthened at the femur, pelvis and cannon bones. The armature can be used with any type of oil-based modeling clay.
TruForm Equine Pro Armature System
1/4 Scale  
1/6 Scale  
TruForm Equine Armature System
The TruForm Equine Armature System is the most advanced clay sculpture armature on the market for clay modeling. Our horse armature moves anatomically correct in every position. Our equine armature is made of the same durable materials as our Truform figure armatures. The ribcage is made of rigid foam that will not flex side to side and is best if your horse is moving in a straight line. You can cut the ribcage foam to adjust the pose for a rearing horse. The pelvis and extremities are made of urethane plastic and the head of urethane foam. The skeleton can be raised at the center pipe by a t-screw adjustment. Our TruForm Equine Armature System is 1/4 scale (15" at the withers) and 1/6 scale (10" at the withers) to a 15-15.2 hands high quarter horse. This scale compliments our 18" and 12" figure sculpture armature. The bones can be lengthened at the femur, pelvis and cannon bones.
TruForm Equine Armature System
1/4 Scale  
1/6 Scale  
TruForm Individual Figure
TruForm Armatures are designed for sculptors who wish to practice laying on muscles to bones and for those wanting to have a proportional skeleton to start the figure. On the 18" and 24" models, the pelvis and extremities are made of durable plastic and on the 36" model from a rigid foam. One of the key elements of the TruForm Armature is the aluminum wire inserts in the joints (allowing for joint mobility). All parts can be removed or replaced. Figures are scaled to an ideal 8 head figure.

12" armature does not have arm or leg bones.

18" Best for professionals who work on smaller pieces and sculpt "tight" in detail.

24" Ideal size. Easy to use. Best for the student or everyday professional.

36" Makes the sculptors job easy. Great for large projects, maquettes to monuments.
TruForm Individual Figure
TruForm Figure Armature Systems
TruForm Armatures are designed for sculptors who wish to practice laying on muscles to bones and for those wanting to have a proportional skeleton to start the figure. On the 18" and 24" models, the pelvis and extremities are made of durable plastic and on the 36" model from a rigid foam. One of the key elements of the TruForm Armature is the aluminum wire inserts in the joints (allowing for joint mobility). All parts can be removed or replaced. Figures are scaled to an ideal 8 head figure.

The figures are held up by our sturdy BackIrons with milled slots on the ends of the horizontal bar to allow for inserting your TruForm figure. The BackIron heights can be adjusted to your specific pose and are designed to hold the weight of your clay. System comes with 11.5"x20" board.

Armature Systems include: TruForm figure armature, white melamine baseboard, and adjustable backiron.
TruForm Figure Armature Systems
TruForm Skulls
TruForm Skulls
For 36" Figure - 1/2 Scale  
For 24" Figure - 1/3 Scale  
For 18" Figure - 1/4 Scale  
TruForm Head Bust
TruForm Head Bust
1/2 life-size full bust. Includes block base 4 1/2" x 6 1/2" x 6 1/2". Can be ordered with or without arms.
Without Arms  
With Arms  
TruForm Backirons
TruForm Backirons
18", 24" and 28" Backirons are designed to hold up your TruForm armature or regular armature and the 16" Backiron for your regular armature. The nuts on the vertical all thread allow you to adjust the height of your sculpture. The ends of the horizontal all thread on the 28" Backiron will hold 1/4" wire. The 18" and 24" Backirons have grooves for securing 3/16" armature wires to. Just secure to your wood base and create a masterpiece!